Baasoskuste tase
Sellele treeningule registreerumiseks:Soolotantsu kursus
Selle kursuse tunnid on soolotantsu tunnid, mõeldud sinu individuaalse tantsuoskuse arendamiseks.
Ladies, get ready to join our Salsa Ladies Styling Course. Explore fundamental techniques and captivating styling elements. Immerse yourself in a positive atmosphere and build confidence on the dance floor. Express yourself authentically through salsa with a rich and versatile repertoire. This course invites every woman to let the rhythm inspire their dance journey with passion and confidence. Join us for an exciting exploration of salsa dancing!
Pane end kirja järgmisse tundi
T 18.03 18:00
T 18.03 18:00
teisipäev 18:00
Need tunnid kestavad 55 minutit
T 18.03
T 01.04