Salsa on2 level up
Level up
Sellele treeningule registreerumiseks:
  • You need to have taken salsa classes on regular basis for at least 9 months
  • You need to regularly attend social dancing events and actively practice with other dancers.
  • You need to show that you can dance on2 with proper and correct timing - OR - you are attending the Salsa on2 A3 training course in the same period.
  • Partnertantsu kursus

    Selle kursuse tunnid on partnertantsutundides, kus sa enamuse ajast tantsid kellegagi paaris.

    Partnereid vahetatakse

    Sel kursusel vahetame partnereid iga mõne minuti tagant, et kõik saaksid kogeda tantsimist erinevate inimestega.

    Salsa On2, or Mambo, is a lively and dynamic dance style originating from the New York City club scene. Its defining feature is breaking on the second beat, adding a unique rhythmic sophistication. With smooth footwork and a linear approach, Salsa On2 showcases intricate turns and shines, incorporating Afro-Cuban and jazz influences. Precision, musicality, and partner connection are key aspects. Dancers engage in intricate partnering, emphasizing a strong leader-follower connection. Salsa On2 allows for self-expression, enabling dancers to interpret the music with a distinctive syncopated feel. It's a thrilling and rewarding journey into the heart of Latin dance, where rhythm, passion, and precision converge.

    Registreeru kursusele

    Kursus tulekul!

    Kursus algab lähinädalatel, kuid kirja saab end panna juba nüüd!
    Tunniplaani täpsed kuupäevad hõigatakse välja kohe, kui on kogunenud vajalik miinimumarv registreerimisi.


    teisipäev 18:00, neljapäev 18:00

    Need tunnid kestavad 55 minutit

    51 € 8 tantsutundi